Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fierce cleaning fly lady style in Red Creek New York

 Yes! YES! It is Spring Cleaning time for me in Red Creek New York and I am doing it flylady style!

104 Store in Red Creek

Red Creek New York my home

I moved a couple years ago into the sweet little town of Red Creek New York. Where the springtime brings the fragrance of apple orchards and all the country folks coming out for the Spring hello. If you wonder if the old time country living is still around. Yes it is alive and well here. It is a very small community where you are certain to run into a friend or relative at every place you stop. Where the Post Office closes for lunch and if someone has a emergency people group together and help each other. We have Amish and Mennonite families as well here. Most people have raised livestock or are raising them now. People still can their foods here and live the simple life. Women are simple and don't fuss with their hair and make up and clothing and even I have conformed and work at one of the local apple packing plants with several neighbors and friends. Finding the schedule and work is much more enjoyable than the normal stress and pushing to get to the top of my game. Looking forward to planting season. Unbelieveable but we even gave up cable? To much to do who has time to waste their life on cable 24/7 when you can work in the garden, read outdoors, etc.. and enjoy the simple life. Even church has changed for me with a little country church with about 50 people that really love the Lord with a powerful message and lots of amens instead of the mega church. Living the simple life for me..NEVER I thought... but I guess God knew me better than I knew myself. With all the SUDDEN quietness, I have lots of time to pray and like "THE OLDEN DAYS" I guess God first, family second, and career third is a great way to live. Red Creek New York has it all.